Tuesday, October 26

Another weekend trip :)

Every year from October 1-31st Salem Massachusetts hosts Haunted Happenings: a month long Halloween celebration of parades, costume balls, haunted houses, tours of Salem etc...  it's a good time for all.
The weekend of October 15th we packed up the troops and headed to Salem to check it out -boy were we glad we did! Just traipsing through the streets was a treat in and of itself; there was so much to see and do. There's just something about that whole festival feel, and in a quaint little town too, with so many creepy attractions and sights.

*every text that is orange, in italics, underlined, and bold is a link to more information.

We hit the historic Witch Museum first, but couldn't take many pics once inside; the flash would have taken away from the ambiance. It was so creepy cool, and the kids stayed intrigued the entire time (accept A, jared had to take her out :(   )

For a little bit of History on the Salem Witch Trials you can go HERE...

Above is the only picture I took once inside the Museum. The story was depicted in scenes all around the room. 

Following the Museum, we walked the streets for a spell.
I loved how we would randomly stumble across a dark cloaked figure among the crowd.

We met tons of witches, but this witch was our favorite by far! She looked like a bronze statue until you put tips in her jar. While you stood next to her for a picture, she'd reach out and touch you or do something else silly and unexpected. When it was our turn the boys didn't dare get too close, they knew she was up to something "tricky"...I laughed so hard.

Just look at all those books stacked in the windows...a gal could get lost in there ya know. I love it.

The first of the accused Salem Witches to die by the rope.

"Pressed to death"
..sounds horrible doesn't it? Too bad he'd already accused his own wife of being a witch--Karma? I'm just sayin'.... ;)

The pirate ship tour was a absolute MUST. It also helped that it happened to be free that day... :)
This thing was SO cool...out there floating in the harbor and all--sure gave it that realistic feel. 

Little pitstop for some Halloween sprinkled icecream...


Then it was on to The House of the Seven Gables-
made famous for it's fictional role in Nathaniel Hawthorne's book: The House of the Seven Gables.

Following that, it was time to continue touring the streets and gobbling up as much fried dough, cooked sausage and cotton candy as we could :)

 We also stopped in the Common, so the children could play at the park.

What a fun trip! We hope to go back again next year, but we may be heading back to Oklahoma by that time soo...who knows! All the more reason for us to have visited Salem.

Before heading home, we stopped by a few more towns that were just beautiful -Gloucester and Rockport.

If you are ever over that way, and have a moment...GO! The waves crashing on the rocks, the scenery and all that wonderful wind...it was just as I'd always pictured New England's coastal states!

There were lots of pictures in this post :) I just couldn't decide, so I took you on our trip with us! We were so glad to be able to go and visit such neat places--especially around Halloween, so creepy cool and fitting for this time of year wouldn't ya say!

Halloween is just around the corner...what are you going to be? 


Amber said...

what a fun trip! all the salem stuff would be so interesting and cool for this time of year. then the coast looks just like i imagined too! i definitely need to go there someday! hope you have a happy halloween!

Dina said...

Oh WOW! That's like the coolest place ever! It makes me want to pack up right now and go there! Looks like so much fun! loved all the pics you took!

Aubrey said...

How fun is that?! I love that time period and history of the New England states, it looks like so much fun to be there and visiting those historic sites. And I love the coastal shots, beautiful. Oh, also love Addeline's hat, so cute!

Gardners said...

Coty. First, I am holding back tears at the beauty!! Second, I love your cute haircut! Third, we are definitely going to have to put this "haunt" on our bucket list! Thanks for the recommendation.

Jensen Family said...

What a fun trip for your kids! I keep telling Josh about making fun memories for the kids...that would have been so much fun! I love the pictures of the coast...AMAZING! Your little family is too cute!!

Anonymous said...

The crucible is my FAVORITE play ever. I am facinated by the Witch trials. Thanks for sharing.

whitney said...

Oooo, I'm so jealous! What a super-fun trip! Thanks for including ALL of the pictures, I'll take a trip with y'all anytime ;)

karen said...

muy lindo todo!