Thursday, July 26

Leif's Baptism

Back in February (I know, totally behind here) on his 8th birthday, Leif was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's hard as his mother to even put into words how wonderful it felt to witness his baptism. It was just that, wonderful!

Way to go Leif! 
We love our spirited little man. 

In his too-short tie
(my fault, major oversight on my part in planning baptism day attire)

About the best family picture we got altogether, so true to life huh :)

When I asked Leif how he felt after he was baptized, he replied with a simple and sweet "Good!". Ah, I couldn't have asked for better! Leif's Grandpa Brent gave him a journal as a baptism gift. I thought that was really special. He had everyone who was in attendance for the baptism write a special message to Leif in it, which made it all the more dear. He also received his first nice set of "real scriptures" (that's what he likes to call them) from Jared and I.  Both Grandpa's spoke at his baptism, and Uncle Hans and myself offered the prayers. Jared performed the ordinance. And now for a few more pictures.

Grandpa Brent and the Man of the Hour, Leif.

Grammy Liz, Grandpa Philip, Nana and Aunt Sarah with Leif.

Wrapping sweet Grandma Joy up in a hug.

The ocassion called for some yummy BBQ grub.

Nana (Wanda) and Uncle Hans.

The Lounge pic... bellies full ;)

A few of the birthday loot.


whitney said...

when did you get an eight year old? geesh.

Love the family picture. it looks a lot like ours ;)

congrats Leif!

Jensen Family said...

I can't believe he is 8! where does the time go? What a special day!