Friday, August 3

Elbows ready?

It's almost time for back-to-school! Is anyone else feeling a sense of panic at the thought of fielding the masses (via some elbowing) to get back-to-school supplies?? Shudder.


Amber said...

back-to-school freaks me out every year because it is a big reminder of how big my kids are getting and it makes me sad. :( i'm a wimp.

whitney said...


Alabama Apples said...

Oooh, I love new school supplies!! Sharp pencils, nice clean erasers, a sheaf of beautiful uncrumpled paper... loveliness...

What I don't love, my kids in school.

Ok, maybe I do...just a little... ;)

Aubrey said...

Back-to-school shopping wasn't too bad, I just made sure to go before everyone got back from summer vacations. My biggest complaint? Fighting all the other parents in the pick-up lane (which our school doesn't really have) to get Samuel. Ugh!