Friday, August 24

First day of school pics...

These aren't in any particular order, but here are my adorable little mowgli's on their first day back to school... In Roo's case it was his first day in any type of school setting (he goes from 1-3:30pm every day). They all did great, and came home with fun stories about their day, and friends (both old and new) that are in their classes this year. Rhoane struggled with his shyness a bit on day one, but by day two he was over any issues, and was shoo-ing me out the door! He clasped his hands together and exclaimed "this is going to be sooo FUN!" at that point, I knew I didn't need to worry over his tender heart any longer :-) Once he found out there is "play-doh time" each day, all worries went out the window :-D We feel excited about this year, and all the fun things that are sure to come our way! Love these kiddos, so much.

Leif: 3rd Grade (Really? Ah!)
Sam: 2nd Grade
Rhoane: Pre-K
Adeline: A hot mess over the fact that she doesn't get to go to school too!


Shauna said...

i know, it's hard to believe isn't it? the summer flew by and he were go again. happiness and sadness at the same time huh, they grow and change so fast. they all look great coty, and WAY too big. sams hair is cool cat, Roo cracks me up with the thumbs, and A is looking more and more like you. oh, and i think they like Mario?!? lol. hope all is well, love ya

Amber said...

can't believe it's back to school! so bitter sweet because it makes you realize how big our kids are getting, but exciting to see how much they are learning and growing. your kids are seriously the cutest. hope they have a great school year!

Unknown said...

Your kids are growing up soo fast! They are still cute as ever though! Oh, and we are having the same issue with Kylie. She is constantly asking, "where Matthew at?" and "Can I go to school with him?!!" LOL! It's going to be a long two years!

Jensen Family said...

what handsome boys they are...growing up way to fast! i love that adorable little girl...Tenley is a hot mess over EVERYTHING!! she is my comic relief!

sharon said...

Boy they are growing up way to fast!!
Esp Adeline! Who gave her permission to look all grown up and so dang cute? Fun times on the first day of school!