Wednesday, May 28

Memorial Day Weekend 2014

A few pictures from Memorial Day weekend. I'm more of a "go and do" type gal, any excuse to get out of town and "get away", but this weekend we decided to stick around, and I'm so glad we did! The weather was great and so was the company. After our ward's Memorial Day breakfast -at which one of the young men played taps on the bagpipes (be still my beating heart!), we got a chance to hit Ft Logan National Cemetery and pay our respects to those who served our country well. It was beautiful and moved me to tears. Seeing rows upon rows of headstones, with proud flags fluttering in the wind was humbling; truly a place of honor and reverence. I am blessed to be an American, even with the struggles our country faces today, it's a great nation. Grateful I get to raise my children here. May God continue to bless us all.

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