Monday, June 16


Colorado camping is unlike any camping I did growing up. I absolutely love it. The weather is so crisp here, especially up in the mountains, it feels like fall time. I am a sucker for the smell of pine too, and lucky for me, it's in abundance.  We took last weekend's amazing forecast as a sign that we needed to pack up and head out! So glad we did.  We ended up finding a beautiful large area with a lovely overlook... and totally scored by being the only ones in the vicinity! What? That just doesn't happen.  The rest is self explanatory; fires, s'mores, morning sun, crisp breeze, happy kids, and all while appreciating Heavenly Father's beautiful terrain.  We also tried pie irons for the first time, and as a result ate some amazing grill cheese sandwiches -Hollah! We'll have to try pizza sandwiches next time ;)


My favorite is peaceful mornings at camp: I love the way the sun beams through the pines with the evening's chill still hanging in the air,  bacon simmers over an open flame and the birds sing. Yep, that's pretty much my Kolob right there ;) 

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